
Jude bellingham was born on 29th June 2003 in Stourbridge, United Kingdon. He is one of the best football players in the world and he is only 20 years old.

He has been in the Borussia Dormunt, where he only has won the German Cup, now he is  the Real Madrid, where he has won a Ligue and a Spanish Spercup , on 1st June he is going to play against his old team (Borussia Dormunt) in the Champions League Final.

Jude Bellingham is mediun-height, he has dark and short hair, his eyes are brown, he has has got normal ears and nose and he has got dark skin.
He has a brother called Jobe Bellingham. He has a girlfriend called Laura Celia Valk.

Martín Toledo López 2ºB


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